Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mother's Day: To Celebrate Or Not?!

Here is my situation: I had my second home study meeting almost two weeks ago. Earlier this week, my home finder had a meeting with her supervisor to present her report on my home study and what her recommendations are for what types of children will make the best fit with me. My home finder has already dropped comments strongly suggesting that she’s certain this is going to happen for me. I’m not in this just to foster parent but to hopefully adopt a foster care child. I have mixed feelings in how to look at Mother’s Day here in another week since I’ve waited for my dream to be a Mom for at least 16 years now and believe I am right on the brink of seeing it happen, but as of this moment, do not actually have a child placed with me. I am hoping there will be a placement by sometime this summer.

This question is addressing two different sets of people:

Can I ask how other adoptive moms in this circumstance, whether currently or at any time in the past, dealt with Mother’s Day when they were pretty close to a placement but had no guarantee yet? I guess whether adopting through foster care or any other way doesn’t really matter.

For those friends of mine who haven’t been in this type of situation, but do have a thought on it, how do you feel it should be for those who are, or if it were you one day?

Please let me know your opinions on this. Thanks!