Thanksgiving went pretty well this year! Jamie traveled with me up to my parents for the day. We got a little bit of a later start than we had planned but travel was fairly good paced and smooth. I enjoy it that I live close enough by that I can wait until the actual day of the occasion to travel there and back because it let’s me avoid the holiday travelers, for the most part. The only snag came about four miles before we were going to reach the Fairplain/Ripley exit (the exit we needed) and we suddenly ran into a standstill of traffic that turned out to already be a few miles long. We couldn’t see the accident itself but saw two Life-Flight helicopters brought in; that alone told us it had to be really bad. My mom informed me a week later that it had been a nursing home van. They were carrying I think four nursing home patients and a couple workers. The driver fell asleep at the wheel and veered slightly off to the side of the interstate, suddenly realized what they had done, and over-corrected themselves. Somehow they flipped the van onto its side and slid that way several yards before finally coming to a stop. My mom wasn’t told of any causalities so I think it all ended OK, or at least not as bad as it could of been.
After sitting in the line of traffic for about 20 minutes, and watching numerous travelers making what I thought were illegal crossing-overs back to the southbound lane, I called my mom to ask her whether it was illegal or not and also if she had any suggestions for a round-about way to get to the house. It turned out most of the people were heading a few miles back to the Kenna exit and taking a side road that runs along the interstate. She gave me directions for taking it on into Fairplain and it shortened the wait dramatically.
We had a wonderful feast waiting for us, prepared by an excellent chef, my mom and I got to spend some wonderful hours visiting with my parents, nephews, my sister and her husband, and my new niece! I also got a couple pictures of my nephews doing their all-time favorite activity!
Timmy & Matt
Matt (blue shirt) & Timmy
I had meant to get some pictures of Caitlin too but ended up taking some medicine for a severe sinus headache while I was there. After the meal, I laid down for a nap for a couple hours and Melanie and her husband had left with the baby by the time I woke back up. It worked out that evening for me to also go by and visit Max and Carolyn Hill; Carolyn’s like another mom to me and an extremely close friend! I try to see her each time I go up that way but a number of times it just doesn’t seem to work out for one reason or another so I was thrilled, especially with it being a major holiday, that I was able to visit with her for about an hour before heading back home again that night!
Last night I was able to celebrate my 35th birthday just a little early! Ron and Corrine Kline, friends I know from both the Bible college and my church, were able to host it for me in their home and it was a very fun time with some special friends! We had pizza for dinner followed by an absolutely delicious “death by chocolate” cake that Jamie baked for the occasion! It was amazing!!!
It was a wonderful time being surrounded by friends and celebrating my special day! We ended the evening watching one of my more favorite movies called Time Piece which emphasizes the importance of spending time with those we care about and also forgiveness.
The change in weather today is a lot nicer than it has been for the last several days now. I love to watch the snow fall and on occasion even having fun out in it - going sledding, building snowmen and mini igloos, and having snowball fights - but I hate having to either walk in it or drive anywhere, especially when there’s ice mixed in with it. I know winter is only really just beginning but I am already looking forward to next Spring!
It’s exciting knowing I’ve just passed the less-than-one-month mark until the PRIDE Orientation session takes place! I’m also required to get a physical completed as part of the Homestudy and have that scheduled for January the 5th! I’ve never before in my life been excited about getting a physical done but I am eagerly looking forward to this one! I’ve spoken with a few people and have three so far willing to be references for me and have also been able to talk (only shortly though) with two couples in my church; one couple adopted a sibling group of three from the state and the other couple have been licensed to foster-adopt but are still awaiting having a child placed with them. They’ve been able to provide me with some helpful information as I’m slowly working my way through the beginning stages of this and are also being a real encouragement for me!
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