Monday, December 22, 2008


(Originally posted November 12, 2008)

I woke up this morning dreaming about adoption :)

I also learned yesterday that the date for my initial orientation meeting, and the beginning of the PRIDE Training Sessions begins January 15th from 6-9pm. They’ll be held at the Beckley DHHR office so there won’t be hardly any expense travel-wise; it’s actually walking distance from the apartment, though I certainly won’t be walking it after dark! I’m struggling some with impatience. My dream feels so close to becoming reality that I want it to happen right now and not being able to start the training sessions for two more months feels like forever at the moment, when I’d really like to start them today. I’m reminding myself to stay focused on unpacking and sorting through the last of my things I just got brought over from Karen’s the other week and to also stay on track with some homemade gifts I’m making for Christmas next month.

As impatient as I’m feeling, I’m thinking the timing may actually be pretty good though. I can’t move into a two-bedroom apartment until June 1st because of when my lease ends here, and I need to have that set up before the actual home visit part of the home study can be completed. I also learned the home study is only good for 12 months at a time. So for now, my plans are to begin the PRIDE sessions in January, get letters of recommendation from both my family doctor and rheumatologist at my appointments scheduled for in April, and hopefully get the home study completed ASAP in June.

I sooo wish I could speed up time!!!

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